Orange Mauritius: Cheaters

Pravind Jugnauth, Minister of Finance of Mauritius announced in the budget speech 2010-2011 that all internet access fees must decrease by 16-24%.

Mauritius Telecom, A.K.A Orange, decided instead to decrease the price of MyT services, to double the internet speeds. They kept their promise this far. My internet speed really doubled. I can now download files at 117-124kBps 🙂

Did i really need a 1MB connection?
Frankly speaking, i was very much happy with the 512kbps connection. I could do anything i ever wanted to do: download huge files, develop websites, do some facebooking, download song albums, download movies. I didn’t need a 1M connection. But since it’s a huge performance-price increase, it is definitely a most welcome 😛

Price-Performance ratio of the Orange internet packages:

MyT 512kb: Rs 1.95/kbps (before)
MyT 512kb: Rs 1.03/kbps ,47% decrease 😀 (now known as MyT 1M)
Adsl 512k : Rs 1.65/kbps (before)
Adsl 512k : Rs 1.48/kbps ,10% decrease. wft!? (now)

As you see, MyT 1M (ex MyT 512k) have the highest performance-price ratio. However, ADSL users are being scammed.
The budget says 16-24% decrease but they decreased the price by a mere 10%. This is a scandal! You must contact consumer protection thingies and the ministers.

A New Twist: MyT w/o TV option
WHAT IN HELL IS THAT!? MyT is a package consisting of My.T Surf, My.T Watch and My.T Talk. I can remember clearly that they stated that MyT cannot be obtained without the TV options in their FAQ. Seems like they removed it some time ago.

Why did they allow people to take MyT w/o TV?
If you ask MyT officials, they won’t know themselves.
It was made clear that if there is too much attenuation in your line, you just couldn’t get MyT. You had to take ADSL. It was a quite fair rule IMO. Where did MyT w/o TV come from?

The only difference between ADSL 512k and MyT 512k(w/o TV) is that MyT is shipped with wi-fi.

Is Mauritius Telecom handled by nerd donkeys?

What to do about these users with MyT w/o TV?
They are actually being offered 3 options:
1. Upgrade to MyT 1M which includes TV (Rs 999)
2. Downgrade to ADSL 512k (Rs 759)
3. Keep the existing connection without any speed increase or price decrease.

Comment on option 3: This option is 100% illegal. It is Mauritius Telecom who sold MyT w/o TV package. It is they who are now stopping this service. It is they who should take actions so as to comply with the law. They must automatically downgrade these users to ADSL 512k or offer them to upgrade to MyT 1M. Keep this in mind that they CANNOT say “keep your existing connection and pay the same”.

Why am i writing this article instead of enjoying my 1M connection?
Because i believe the extra speed given to me is being stolen from You!

7 thoughts on “Orange Mauritius: Cheaters

  1. Wrong and I don’t agree with many of what you wrote.

    “They must automatically downgrade these users to ADSL 512k or offer them to upgrade to MyT 1M.”

    Why should they automatically downgrade me to ADSL? They CANNOT force me to choose another package. Nor can they force me to upgrade. What I can do is. FORCE THEM for either a double speed or price decrease on my 512kbps without Rubbish tv options.

  2. I am against the existance of MyT without TV. And it makes no sense at all as MyT is a package. (I would have taken MyT w/o tv if i knew it was possible :P)

    It is true that MT completely F***ed up. To prevent further turmoil, MyT without TV package must be eliminated for ever. MyT without TV should mean ADSL.period.

    The issue here is that ADSL is being excessively over-priced to be as an alternative to MyT.

  3. Oh well, orange price sucks anyways… THey are strangling us… Internet 5 times faster in other countries are cheaper…ANd heck, they say they will make mauritius a CYBER island LOL! Cyber my a** xD… Why we should get so lame internet speeds? why we should pay phone separately? COntract mobile phones are even EXTRA expensive LOL..and the salary people get is Extra HUGE Rs180 increase 😀

    Awesome kip it up 😀

  4. Internet is becoming cheaper and faster gradually.

    MyT 1M has the highest price-performance ratio of Rs 1.03/kbps but the plan starts at Rs999/month.

    Although being cheap, it is not affordable by a great portion of the population. This is not what you would expect an island called “Cyber Island”

  5. I recently got a letter from the Mauritius Telecom which proposed to upgrade to the 1MB and I will get the first three months at the old price 750+vat.

    So I just took it. ^^

    Well as you said, we are not really getting value for money… :p

  6. The government is paying lip service to the concept of ‘cyber island’ they are trying to develop. This case of cheating by MT is too clear to be ignored by the govt. Really outraged by this!!

    At this rate, Mauritius will never take off…it will be bogged down by some short-sighted and money-minded people along with an incompetent government.

  7. Don’t worry I will sign a contract with Virgin Mobiles and bring it to Mauritius When I turn 30-40 xD
    I am still 17 xDxDxDxDxD

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