The Fourth and Fifth Dimension

Watched Interstellar (2014) recently. It led me to ask some questions about our universe itself. What is time? What is space? I watched a video on YouTube explaining the concept of relativity:

From what i understood, all speeds are relative to another point except that speed of light is constant independent of who is observing it and whether they are in motion. We usually think of time as same for everyone. But the Theory of Relativity allows time to be dilated or go faster.

The Fourth Dimension
Coming back to the movie, how can someone be in the future, present and past all at the same time? Watch this video about “Imagining the Fourth Dimension”

The author of the video says time is the fourth dimension. That’s why Cooper was seeing multiple states of the library but at different point in time. How was he able to do this? You could note that it the whole universe was not available to him. When he was in one state of the library, he walked till the end, and reached another state of the library.

That why i guess we cannot travel in time. Because the universe is too large for us. We’d have to give up on part of our universe so as we can move in a limited section but in time too.

But hey! What if a take my camcorder and make a short movie? It is 2D images but with Time acting as my third dimension. When i play the movie again, i can move in time.

The Fifth Dimension
Time as the fourth dimension to our 3 dimensional world isn’t a bad idea IMO. The fifth dimension according to the video’s author is the probabilistic space that the fourth dimension is in.

I think simulation is what we do to actually move in 4D and 5D to predict the future.

Chess is a 2D game.
3D would mean someone being able to move in time to see each move.
4D would mean the set of all possible moves playable i.e. 10^120 according to some numbers i found on the internet (needs confirm)

The more a chess player goes into the fourth dimension and think about the possible moves that might be played after, the better he is 😀

A 3D game as a First Person Shooter would require 5D to actually get all possible combinations, 4D being 3D in Time

Ok. Think I’m done now :3

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