mcrypt on Ubuntu Server

I tried installing Prestahop and Laravel on an Ubuntu Server and it was telling me mcrypt function cannot be called.

Tried doing this but it said it was already installed
sudo apt-get install php5-mcrypt

I finally edited php.ini adding

It could have been done using this too i guess
sudo php5enmod mcrypt

It’s kinda weird why this wasn’t enabled by default.

Pundit Sungkur et al. refuse to return our stolen beach.

Last time, they said they’ll do everything to abide by the law [ ref ] despite having violated it at first. But now they are waiting for the law to abide to their plan [ ref ]. They are waiting.

This government is a joke. “Petit copains” can piss on the laws and regulations. Government don’t care. But what they do, install speed cameras that fine the general population Rs 2000 if they go at 80.1 km/h. This is them saying they’re just doing their duty by applying “The Law”!

9 year schooling

We are living in a country where each of us is being exploited in a certain way. Modern slavery is being practiced and we are actually slaves of this communal society. “Life is a race”, they said. We have to compete to be among the elite. And this competition starts at an early stage of our life. But the real question is, “Do we live to work or work to live?”

Our honorable Minister of Education is considering to integrate the concept of 9-year schooling into our educational system. This will definitely reduce the stress of children as they will not undergo the hassle of CPE exams. Moreover, this new program will also discourage private tuitions after school hours, decreasing the child’s academic pressure.

But what about the Enhancement Program which is currently optional in schools? Will it become compulsory with this new way of schooling? Students undertaking the empowerment program leave school at 5 p.m.

8 hours spent in school, trying to “Prepare them to face the world of work in the future”, seriously!!!

Well, in my opinion, we are initiating future robots with some emotions perhaps, but certainly far from what we call ‘human beings’. Banning the CPE exams will only delay the marathon, which will eventually take place in form 3. The same mental stress, the same competition and without forgetting their passport to HSC; the SC exams.

What about parents? They are happy with the enhancement program because of their self-interest. Children stay till 5 p.m at school so parents may pick them up while getting back from work! What about the time children spend with their parents? Is it something negligible? What about religion, culture and values? Do these hold less importance than academic education?

Academic education is categorically vital for every being. But we cannot deny the fact that a child needs a lot more than just intellectual knowledge to grow into a good and mature person. Ever wondered why crimes are the main issue in Mauritius nowadays? Are these criminals uneducated? I don’t think so!

Children need free time. They need to play, enjoy their childhood and learn to live. Most importantly, children should be encouraged to think freely. Do you really think ONLY academic education will help make your child be successful in LIFE?


Power of Scroll Wheel

If the scroll wheel of the mouse was to be connected to a dynamo, i guess the we would have enough electricity to power space exploration for at least a decade 😛

On a more serious note, what if the scroll wheel could really recharge wireless mice (plural of mouse)? Wouldn’t that be awesome?

Getting nginx with PHP and MySQL

I managed to install nginx on my laptop. Apache used to eat a lots of my precious RAM previously. My laptop got a mere 3GB of it :-/. I hope nginx would make Web Development much more pleasing as well as allowing my laptop to do other stuffs as well.

Installing nginx is not as straight forward as installing the famous LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP). It requires quite some file configuration ninja skills. Following the tutorial found here.

It was kinda tricky to config the config file ‘/etc/nginx/sites-available/default’.

I was un-commenting everything in the curly braces after ‘location ~ \.php$’ like a dummy. nginx would fail to start. After doing

$ nginx -t

It told me:-
nginx: [emerg] “fastcgi_pass” directive is duplicate in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default:61
nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test failed

After scanning the file and showing some attention to what was going on, i noticed that i was supposed to un-comment only part for ‘With php5-fpm’ so as it appears like this

location ~ \.php$ {
# fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$;
# # NOTE: You should have "cgi.fix_pathinfo = 0;" in php.ini
# # With php5-cgi alone:
# fastcgi_pass;
# # With php5-fpm:
fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock;
fastcgi_index index.php;
include fastcgi_params;

I was feeling too lazy to install phpMyAdmin for database administration. Thought of why not using the command line.

$ mysql -p

The mysql terminal opened.


And it worked. I could install the beta version of MyBB Forum software 1.8 😉