Kubuntu 15.04 Beta 1. WiFi no use

So, decided to test run Kubuntu 15.04 for having latest Plasma desktop. Install went smooth alongside my Kubuntu 14.10 and Windows 8.1.

1. Booting into the system, i simply can’t access any of the WiFi either with hidden SSID or broadcasted one. I’d get the following message.

Connectino Deactivated. The WiFi network could not be found

2. The start menu also froze which when force-fully killed, the whole desktop and taskbar was gone leaving only applications open. I could still switch between them by putting my cursor on the top left corner which displays all open apps.


3. I also notice that when running System Monitor (ksysguard) from KRUnner by pressing ALT+F2, the KRunner would not disapear unless i close System Monitor again.


And when I would close it, I’d get this error message then KRunner closes.


Final Notes:
I can say Kubuntu 15.04 is really really fast. Dolphin, System Monitor, Firefox open like in a breeze. It feels like on an SSD. But unfortunately I won’t be able to test more as I can’t get the WiFi to connect 🙁

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