Pundit Sungkur grabs more of “our” beach.

Quite some while, i suggested we need to change our national anthem. What remains of our motherland which belongs to us?

Pundit Sungkur, also called as “ti copain” by some, got some beach area to build a restaurant there. While there was lots of objection by local population, he continued his project. But he builds something bigger that he was allocated. How is that? Is this the attitude of someone honest?

And he acts cool. One of his relative when asked about how this happened, he states

“Nous respectons la loi. S’il faut faire des travaux, nous les ferons”

You kidding me?

[1] , [2] , [3] , [4] , [5]

The 2nd Class Citizens of UoM

1. In the morning, the bus waits for the robot R to go green. It passes in front of bus stop 1, makes the round about, waits again at robot R to eventually drop us at bus stop 2.

Univeristy of Mauritius Bus Stop

We gotta walk again to the robot R

wait an eternity…

Most students don’t wait for the green man signal and just cross as soon as the road is “somewhat crossable” risking their lives altogether.

2. In the afternoon, wait again at robot R… -_-

… then start the lonely,everlasting waiting process while my friends are chit-chatting on bus stop 1. There is no Wi-Fi signal there as compared to bus stop 1.

The 173 Curepipe bus drivers enjoy watching people literally run after their buses. Sometimes they stop at point A and sometimes at point B. We run after the bus as if when someone throws a stick for a dog to go fetch it.

Call it world’s first problem but really fed up of this.

[Book Review] Understanding and Using C Pointers

    author    = "Richard Reese",
    title     = "Understanding and Using C Pointers",
    edition   = "First",
    year      = "2013",
    publisher = "O'Reilly",

Thanks to the Mauritius Software Craftmanship Community (MSCC), i got access to the book “Understanding and Using C Pointers” by Richard Reese. I read only the first 3 chapters till now. It’s like really lots to disgest.


I got interested in the book because i am doing my BSc final year project using C++. C/C++ programmers usually use pointers a lot. Reese says

“a solid understanding of pointers and the ability to effectively use them separates a novice C programmer from a more experienced one.”

Unfortunately the book doesn’t illustrate the difference between a pointer and a “normal” variable. Having read the first 3 chapters still makes me wondering when should i use pointers and even is it really worth it?

In the first year at university in python class, my lecturer mentioned that arrays are passed by reference to functions in almost all programming language.

void change(int array[], int pos,int newval){
    array[pos] = newval;

int main()
    int x[] = {1,2,3};
    std::cout << x[2] << endl;
    return 0;

5 will be outputed on the screen i.e. x was passed by reference. What advantage would i get for using pointer notation instead?

I find the book too hard containing too much information for beginners. I'd recommend the book to people who already have a basic knowledge of pointers. The book will improve your pointer skills with "best practices" so that you become really proficient in pointers. 🙂

The book doesn't illustration in Object Oriented Programming. I guess that is because C doesn't support OOP.


- Cannot be used as "introduction" to pointers to newbies
- If you're already using pointers, do read the book. It'll make you become a pointer guru for sure!

Install WebIOPi on Arch Raspberry Pi

Raspbian decided to include some Oracle software into the main OS which no one cares. I had to switch to Arch to be able to continue to use my 2GB card.


WebIOPi was developped and tested on Raspbian. Here’s how to make it work in Arch.

We install the dependencies first:-

# pacman -S python
# pacman -S python-py
# pacman -S python-setuptools
# pacman -S gcc

Now we follow the official WebIOPi documentation

# wget http://webiopi.googlecode.com/files/WebIOPi-0.6.0.tar.gz
# tar xvzf WebIOPi-0.6.0.tar.gz
# cd WebIOPi-0.6.0
# ./setup.sh

To start it, run

# webiopi

You shall be able to access it through your browser http://192.168.1.x:8000

P.S. I wrote this guide after having done it. If i missed a step please inform me.