Duplicate Monit IDs in MMonit

when you’re using MMonit software with multiple VMs cloned from a template with monit installed, there are sometimes 2 VM get the same monit IDs. You’ll notice that there are errors on your MMonit dashboard which disappears after a while.

To view the monit id of your VMs, type the following command on your terminal

# monit -i

What do you do if you have hundreds or thousands of VMs? How will you know which ones have duplicate IDs?

I implemented a solution using SQL Triggers.

CREATE TABLE `duplicate_monitids` (
`ipaddrin` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ”,
`monitid` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`ipaddrin`)

delimiter //
ON host
INSERT INTO duplicate_monitids(ipaddrin,monitid) VALUES(NEW.ipaddrin,NEW.monitid);
delimiter ;

Then to view the VMs which have duplicate IDs, run the following SQL Query

select ipaddrin from duplicate_monitids where monitid IN (select monitid from duplicate_monitids group by monitid having count(*) > 1);

Playing with Microsoft’s Sharepoint REST API

I couldn’t get Sharepoint to be loaded as an External Storage in Nextcloud. I had find a way to use the old school `curl` to debug the problem.

To properly authenticate, you will have to add some extra parameters to curl

$ curl –ntlm –negotiate -u <Domain>/<Username>:<Password> “http://<url>/<site>/_api/Web/getfolderbyserverrelativeurl(‘%2F<site>/<Folder>’)?$select=Length,TimeLastModified” -v

Notice the `–ntlm –negotiate`. These parameters enable “NTLM Authentication Scheme for HTTP” rather that the usual HTTP Basic Auth. This in turns make lots of back and forth between the curl and MS Sharepoint.

The logs of my HAProxy looks like this. We can see that the curl request has made 3 HTTP requests.

web sharepoint/sharepoint 0/0/1/8/9 401 503 - - ---- 2/2/0/1/0 0/0 "GET /my/_api/Web/getfolderbyserverrelativeurl('%2Fmy/MeraDocs')?=Length,TimeLastModified HTTP/1.1"
web sharepoint/sharepoint 0/0/0/8/8 401 830 - - ---- 2/2/0/1/0 0/0 "GET /my/_api/Web/getfolderbyserverrelativeurl('%2Fmy/MeraDocs')?=Length,TimeLastModified HTTP/1.1"
web sharepoint/sharepoint 0/0/0/15/18 200 3314 - - ---- 2/2/0/1/0 0/0 "GET /my/_api/Web/getfolderbyserverrelativeurl('%2Fmy/MeraDocs')?=Length,TimeLastModified HTTP/1.1"

However I was getting a 404 response in the third response initially. Turns out the API endpoints are different for OneDrive, SharePoint Online and SharePoint Server 2016:

Since I was using SharePoint Server locally, I chose the 2nd endpoint and it worked perfect.

[1] http://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/view/7005/get-a-file-from-sharepoint-with-curl

[2] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15697157/using-curl-with-ntlm-auth-to-make-a-post-is-failing

[3] https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/developer/rest-api/getting-started/sharepoint-server-2016

Kanasuk sugar

Brown sugar and white sugar are sold at the same price at the supermarket. Do you know why? Because the brown sugar is just white sugar with some added molasses to make it slightly reddish.

I saw Kanasuk sugar which was priced way above the usual sugars. Decided to give it a try.

When you open the packet, you have the pungent smell of sugarcane. It is real unrefined sugar. It tastes like sugarcane too. I used it to make my coffee only.




Le Gall Butter with “Fleur de Sel”

With butter prices soaring in Mauritius, I found this butter at around Rs 100 on promotion. Decided to give it a try. It is made using traditional methods.


It was awesome. It is not made with normal salt but rather with fleur de sel. Fleur de sel “is a salt that forms as a thin, delicate crust on the surface of seawater as it evaporates”. It tastes really good. I ate the butter in less than 4 days. Some say eating too much butter is bad for health. But I just love butter <3