When bus “sonnet” doesn’t work

Recently, a bus had a break failure killing 10 people and the Prime Minister didn’t give a ****. I’m gonna raise another issue of public transportation we face daily i.e. the Bus Bell fails.

How people deal with it:-

1. Most youngsters usually walk to the door while the bus is still running. The driver stops at the next bus stop.

2. Some try to press the button and release it suddenly so as it makes a noise. The conductor sometimes notices it and alerts the driver.

3. Older people shout and usually add some “spicy” words towards the driver. (zourer mama) ๐Ÿ˜€

Actions to be taken:-
Policeman could periodically stop a bus so as to check if the bells are working. Wouldn’t this rather be the responsibility of the NTA (National Transport Authority) or where fitness is given etc? I don’t know these things much but checking bus bells are an important thing.


If fitness is given to NTC buses which can have break failures, then i guess we’re doomed to have crappy service at all levels. Why do we need a transport Minister? Just to agree to request because bus owners have been requesting a raise for a long time?

โ€œThe price of transport is being increased because the owners of the bus companies have been asking for an increase in the transport fees from quite a long timeโ€. Source

No, Seriously!? Is that all you’re worth?

4 thoughts on “When bus “sonnet” doesn’t work

  1. Indeed I get this problem too often. And I’ve used spicy words too. Sometimes the bells work but due to heavy engine noise in old buses the driver can’t hear them lol!! So many problems.

  2. Well sometimes it’s not always the bus owners responsible for it. Sometimes the users of the bus do not know how to really respect others property.

  3. @Pramod: Ok. But these bells do also wear out with time. Sometimes the driver just forgets to switch it on. Anyways, people tamper it or not, it has to be there at any cost!

  4. Yeah of course, when it comes to the bells, it is the responsibility of the bus company to ensure that is works. In this case it is quite difficult for someone to tamper that. ๐Ÿ˜›

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