Protect your NodeJS/Express routes with HTTP Basic Auth

Not all parts of your website or REST APIs you do require same level of protection. For example, a GET /api/dimounes is pretty harmless.

The Express/NodeJS code for such a route may be like follows:

  var rows = // Get the people from database, file or anywhere

Let’s say now you want to add more ‘dimoune’. We create a new route for it but we’ll use HTTP POST verb instead of GET.

app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({extended: true }));
  var sql = "INSERT INTO dimounes (name,sex) VALUES ('" + + "' , " + + ");";
  // run sql or mongo insert

Problem here is everyone can do POST request and spam your database to corrupt it. Let’s protect the POST route so that it requires the user to authenticate.

$ npm install http-auth --save

Let’s define our username and password

var auth = require('http-auth');
var basic = auth.basic({
        realm: "Protected Area"
    }, function (username, password, callback) { // Custom authentication method.
        callback(username === "nayar" && password === "mydumbpassword");

All we have to do is add auth.connect(basic) as a middleware in our routes we want to protect'/api/dimounes/',auth.connect(basic),function(req,res){
  var sql = "INSERT INTO dimounes (name,sex) VALUES ('" + + "' , " + + ");";
  // run sql or mongo insert

And there you go! Let’s try it with AJAX calls with jQuery 😉

  method: "post",
  url: "/api/dimounes/",
  data: {
    name : "Nayar",
    sex: "male"
  success: function( data ) {

You shall get a popup in your browser asking for your username and password. If you are using curl, just add the credentials using the -u

curl -nayar:mydumbpassword -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST --data '{"name":"nayar","sex":"male"}'

NOTE: As we saw in this article (click), Express doesn’t parse HTTP body, we have to add this line at the top for the above command to work in curl.



On SQL, it’s simple as hell. Well, if you got enough experience :3

stuff varchar(20)

INSERT INTO thing (id,stuff) VALUES (45, "soz") ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE stuff = VALUES(stuff);

It’s done.

MongoDB as you must have heard already, it is NOT a relational database. Is it better than traditional ones? I am not going to start a flame war here. However note that I’m a hardcore SQL and ACID-compliance fan.

MongooseJS is used to validate data before storing in MongoDB. MongoDB is kinda dumb on its own which is not necessarily a bad thing as program logic is supposed to validate data and MongoDB developers can concentrate on making fast storage and reading capabilities. Let’s have some hands on with Mongoose:

var mongoose = require('mongoose');

var Car = mongoose.model('Car',{
  make: String,
  color: String,
  engine: {
    fuel : String,
    capacity: Number	
  link: { type: String, unique: true}

As you can see, we described the characteristics with which e.g. we describe cars. Note that it differs from MySQL in the sense that you the fields can be further expanded as compared to the strict 2 dimensional tables.

Let’s create JavaScript car objects which we will store in the database.

var nayar_car = new Car ({
  make: "Maruti Suzuki :(",
  color: "purple",
  engine : {
    fuel : "petrol",
    capacity: 1000
  link : ""

Easy right? Let’s save it in a Mongo database{

Voila! No need for any SQLs.

The above will not work in case I repeat the insert with the same link as is supposed to be unique. You’d get an error like this:

E11000 duplicate key error index:$link_1 dup key: { : “” }

To make it work in an Insert or Update fashion, we modify the save code like this:{
  if(err && err.code == 11000){
    nayar_car._id = undefined;

Note that i had to unset the Car._id. It’s very important.

I’m not sure that I’m liking MongoDB/NoSQL way of doing things. I simply love SQL too much.


WTF Express! Just give me my body. #NodeJS

Express is a web framework for NodeJS like what Slim Framework, Free Free Framework is to PHP. The idea is simple. Minimalist frameworks don’t do much work except for routing requests.

For example, if you want when someone access / on your website, a text saying “Hello World” appears, you do it this way:

var http = require('http');
var express = require('express');
var app = express();

app.get('/', function(req, res) {
  res.send("Hello World");

var server = app.listen(3000, function () {});

If you want to do /hello/{a name here}:

app.get('/hello/:soz', function(req, res) {
  res.send("Hello " + req.params.soz);

In the above examples, we have used HTTP GET method. There is a limit in the amount of data we can put in an HTTP header. The POST method is used to send longer data. I will leave the discussion when to use GET, POST and other HTTP verbs in another blog post. Lemme show you how to make a POST request in AJAX using jQuery and retrieve the data in NodeJS.


  method: "post",
  url: "/api/dimoune/",
  data: {
    name: "Nayar"
  success: function( data ) {


var bodyParser = require('body-parser');
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({extended: true }));'/api/dimoune/', function(req,res){
  // Logic to save to database or something 
  res.send("saved " +;

Notice I had to add body-parser library. Without it, req.body would be not be defined thus you would not be able to access your posted data. Kinda stupid to not include it by default in Express no?

Another big headache. For posting data with curl command e.g.

curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST --data '{"name":"nayar","sex":"male"}'

You need to add the following lines in your nodejs file



Servicing my bicycle after a decade

My childhood can be summed up in 3 words: Legos, bicycles and computers. I still love all 3 activities despite computers take most of my time now. Bicycles as simple as they appear to be, are very complex highly-engineered hardware.

My front tyre got flat. Dad told me to buy the air chamber. So got 1.


As you can see on the box, it is supposed to be splints. Hope it does what it’s advertised to do. But i guess I’ll have to keep watching for objects puncturing the outer rubber every now and then. The “flat-resistant” air chamber costed me Rs 150 while the normal one is Rs 100.


It’s not easy to demount the outer rubber and mount it again. I saw my dad do it several times before. So I managed to change 1 myself. But F***. I put the rubber the wrong way. I asked my dad to do the process for me while I was swapping the rubber in the rear tire.


But almost everything else was non-functional on the bike due to rust. The rear gears derailleur would not adjust the curvature accordingly making me lose traction while could be very dangerous. Dad oiled it and made the springs functional again.


The front shock absorber was not in the perfect state too. I think it never moves. Dad put some engine grease on it. The handle bar joint was greased too.


I wonder if i can’t take care of a bicycle properly, what would happen if i were to get a car which is much more complex in it’s nature?

Do service your bicycle in a timely fashion. It can get really dangerous like mine was.

Termination of Employment: Is the Law made for ti-Mauritians in mind?

The “Notice of termination of agreement” is 1 month. You may find the EMPLOYMENT RIGHTS ACT 2008 on this link.

Here’s the advantages and disadvantages for both parties.
The employer:
1. Has 4 or 5 people in the department to easily cover your absence. The sooner he can get rid of you without paying, the better it is.

2. In case an employee is playing a really crucial role in the core business process. The company could just lose the employee withing 1 months without enough time for doing a handing over. This can be very damaging financially.

The employee:
1. Employers can easily fill the void created by you. But who can fill the void of a bread winning father with loans, wife/kids to feed? There is only 1 father in a generic Mauritian family.

2. She can leave her current job for a higher paying one without waiting too much.

3. Are there so many jobs on the Mauritian job market so as employees can be choosy about their jobs? I think job security is primordial.

4. The process of finding a new job can be very long. Can be greater than 4-6 months for some:
– The person has to apply for jobs.
– It can take weeks/months before responses come.
– Interviews are scheduled. Takes weeks. Sometimes more than 1 interviews are required.
– Takes more weeks before the company finally sends a proposal (if you are lucky).
– You get employed on temporary basis on a mediocre salary.
– If lucky again, you get full employment.

However, the new job can be terminated with a 1 month notice too.

Subject to any provision of an agreement, the length of the notice to be
given under subsection (1) shall be of 30 days.

I think i know what laws are passed and in whose favour
It is companies that fund elections. If ministers don’t abide to the demands of sponsoring companies, politicians simply won’t get money.

Is 1 month notice of termination enough according to you?