True #GunsForPeace

How can people say that guns causes people to die? Apparently these people know nothing about guns and need to educate themselves on the matter.

My religion teaches that guns are peaceful.

Spiritual guns are the best way to do Jihad* against our nafs (soul).

How beautiful is that?

We need more guns. Everyone needs to have guns. And more importantly, the correct understanding of guns which only members of my religion have. Now repeat after me: True #gunsforpeace.

* Find the definition yourself

Reactivating an old SBM Bank Account

One of my family member had to pay me some money but my account my deactivated.

I reactivation procedure at the State Bank of Mauritius costed me around 2 hours and like 5 signatures.

What is she doing on the screen clicking here and there? Isn’t that just a field in a database? Even after the 2 hour procedure, the account takes 3 days to become active again. Reason: no idea.

I couldn’t receive the payment on that day. Stupid SBM.

Glass (2019)

Everyone’s talking about Avengers. I simply don’t give a damn. Glass is the type of Super Hero movie I like.

I wonder why the movie was titled as “Glass” rather than something else like Mr [insert a word here] or something. Hmmm. Maybe I now know the answer to this as I’m writing this blog post. I’m getting more mind-blown even now.

Not for the faint-heart/mind though. I’d give it a 9.5/10